Archive for the ‘Body language’ Category

It’s Not What You Say, it’s How You Say it That Counts

Thursday, December 5th, 2019

It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it that counts. And even that’s not enough for you to be fully understood. There’s a big difference between what someone says as opposed to what they’re really saying. And this is where emotional intelligence comes into play. How sharp are your skills in reading the […]

Are you just a talking head?

Friday, November 29th, 2019

Basics you need to know before presenting face-to-face with your audience. Spend the necessary time to analyze your audience. Don’t just be a talking head. Who are they? Why did they come to your presentation in the first place? Did you learn what your audience might want to take away from your presentation? How can your […]

My Job is to Speak and your Job is to Listen

Wednesday, June 28th, 2017

Any leader, collaborator, presenter, salesperson needs to be mindful that communication is not just talking. It is equal parts of listening with talking that requires focused concentration.

It’s Not What You Say, it’s How You Say it That Counts

Wednesday, June 21st, 2017

It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it that counts. And even that’s not enough for you to be fully understood. There’s a big difference between what someone says as opposed to what they’re really saying. And this is where emotional intelligence comes into play. How sharp are your skills in reading the […]

How to be Understood- Face-to-Face

Wednesday, May 31st, 2017

In order to be understood you need to be able to deliver authentic, informative, effective, and emotionally-engaging presentations designed for your specific audience. One’s ability to turn potential into a tangible success has little to do with facts and information and feature/function. One’s ability to move others comes from knowing how to build trust and […]

Clinton/Trump debate presentation skills Score Card

Wednesday, October 19th, 2016

Watch the Clinton/Trump Presidential debate tonight and score the following for each candidate on scale of 1-10. 10 is the highest score possible. Mind, voice and body were in sync Clear and articulate statements Great vocal variety Authoritative non-threatening posture Great listening skills Answered the questions No over-talking Stuck to the time limit Factual statements […]

Turn off the sound for the next Presidential Debate!

Friday, October 7th, 2016

“I Muted Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton During the Debate. I Still Knew the Score.” That “great advice” came from New York Times reporter Jonathan Mahler in his story on September 27, 2016 in the New York Times as he reported on the Presidential Debate. In essence, Mahler’s test supports academic research that is not […]

Top Tip for Successful Networking Face-to-Face

Friday, September 23rd, 2016

This top tip is for individual networkers as well as for event planners and managers. The key to successful communications when networking face-to-face with people you haven’t met before is a strategically placed, quickly and easily read name tag almost at eye level. I attended an event today where the name tag alone was vertically […]

Champion – Critic – Brat, which dominates in your world?

Friday, August 19th, 2016

Which are you; Champion – Critic – Brat? Which of your three inherent personalities dominates your leadership style, Champion – Critic – Brat?  Be aware that Monkeys see/Monkeys do. Your leadership style sets the company/team culture and determines the bottom line. Your ability to “stand and deliver” is a key factor in having executive presence […]

Bio/Pharma Scientists and Researchers – Presentation Tips for Success

Friday, June 24th, 2016

Scientists, researchers and medical professionals in the Bio/Pharma world need more than facts and information, feature function and data-filled PowerPointless presentations to succeed with regulatory agencies, venture capitalists, and angel investors. The only thing more powerful than a big idea is your ability to communicate/sell that idea to others — specifically, to sell the value […]