Archive for the ‘Breath’ Category

Find and power your authentic voice – Lesson 7- Volume

Friday, March 18th, 2016

Once you train and find your authentic voice you need to be sure that everyone in your audience can hear your authentic voice. Your volume needs to be loud enough to be heard by the people in the back row. If you are practicing lessons one through six — breath, pitch, pace, resonance and melody […]

Find and Power your Authentic Voice – Lesson 6 – Voice Melody

Friday, March 11th, 2016

Voice Melody – The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the melody of speech as — “the intonation of connected speech: the continual rise and fall in pitch of the voice in speech.” In an earlier lesson, I described the ability and how to of the human voice to have 36 different pitches. On the average most people […]

Find and Power Your Authentic Voice – Lesson 4 – Pace

Friday, February 26th, 2016

Your speaking pace, or speed, is a critical tool to effectively keep your audiences engaged (audio version of this blog post can be heard here). Speaking too quickly may leave your audience behind. Speaking too slowly may lull the audience into dozing off. And there are those who speak at a “normal” pace which is not enough […]

Find and Power Your Authentic Voice – Lesson 3 – Pitch Exercise

Friday, February 19th, 2016

Work that Pitch Enjoy our Zokacast of this blog post here. A sure way to keep your audience engaged is to expand your vocal range using a pitch exercise. Humming is a simple way to expand your vocal pitch range. This is especially critical if you communicate with a monotone. A dull monotonous voice is […]

Find and Power Your Authentic Voice – Lesson 2 – Pitch

Friday, February 12th, 2016

Are you aware of your vocal range, your pitch? How many times have you struggled to stay attentive while listening to a presenter, teacher or colleague with a single-note monotonous voice? On the other hand how varied is your voice? How wide-awake are your audiences when you speak? How actively engaged are your audiences in […]

Find and Power your Authentic Voice. Lesson One.

Thursday, February 4th, 2016

Listen to this ZokaCast here. The key to finding and powering your authentic voice is learning how to find and use your vocal toolbox. Like a well-organized mechanic’s or woodworker’s toolbox hand tools are organized in separate drawers by categories based on the purpose and use of the tool. There are hammers and mallets, pliers, […]