Archive for the ‘Creative Energy’ Category


Thursday, April 26th, 2018

Many have learned that training in improvisational theater techniques is far more effective in developing inter-silo and intra-silo collaboration in their companies than all the traditional business school and business consultant collaboration trainings and workshops being held.

What leaders can learn from Jazz.

Friday, May 20th, 2016

Wynton Marsalis grew up in a family of New Orleans jazz musicians and received his first trumpet as a sixth birthday present from bandleader Al Hirt. At 14 he debuted with the Louisiana Philharmonic; at 17 he moved to New York, where he attended Juilliard, joined Art Blakey’s Jazz Messengers, assembled his own band, and […]

So, how do you get left-brain people to use more of their right brain? How do you turn efficiency into effectiveness?

Friday, October 2nd, 2015

Left-brain linear thinking drilled home throughout our formal educational process in the U.S. focuses on the most efficient way to solve problems. Decades of hearing “No, you can’t. Here’s the answer” sadly develops linear thought processes and that debilitating habit energy driving much of the thinking in corporate America today. Habit energy (mindlessness), is the rusty brain […]

Principle of ‘Yes and…” Inspires Creativity

Tuesday, September 15th, 2015

Innovation is high on the agenda of every company today. And once creativity training is just as high on the agenda, Innovation will follow. Innovation lies at the very heart of growth strategy. Optimizing creativity in the workplace to ensure productive and profitable innovation is, therefore, the challenge. It never ceases to amaze me to […]

Turn limited energy into creative energy

Monday, August 31st, 2015

Turn limited habit energy into expansive creative and innovative energy to develop and foster a creative and innovative culture in an organization. Getting the concept is one thing, and putting it into action is another.