Archive for the ‘Mindfulness’ Category

Why Mindfulness Training? Who has time to think?

Monday, April 2nd, 2018

Why do I incorporate mindfulness training in my programs? At a recent monthly networking meeting of executives, the term mindfulness came up. Joel, a high energy serial entrepreneur — not sure what mindfulness meant — couldn’t understand all the buzz regarding it. Challenging me, he wondered what mindfulness had to do with my coaching and […]

My Job is to Speak and your Job is to Listen

Wednesday, June 28th, 2017

Any leader, collaborator, presenter, salesperson needs to be mindful that communication is not just talking. It is equal parts of listening with talking that requires focused concentration.

How to Present Your Professional Value When You Are Over 50 – Part 3

Friday, June 10th, 2016

Walt, a 58-year-old accomplished professional, is unfortunately still languishing “in between engagements”. Walt, even though you are an introvert, you can show presence. A number of middle-aged introverts like you have admonished me for stressing the importance of presence over substance as outlined in my previous two blogs about presence. Once again, I need to stress […]

Listening – The Lost Art – Part 2

Friday, April 29th, 2016

A meaningful conversation is not a highly competitive tennis match. It’s not about who scores more points. It is not an opportunity to pontificate — to show off. If there is a goal to listening, it is to learn as much as you can about the other person. Most people would rather talk than listen. The […]

Why Mindfulness Training? Who has time to think?

Friday, December 18th, 2015

Why do I incorporate mindfulness training in my programs? At a recent monthly networking meeting of executives, the term mindfulness came up. Joel, a high energy serial entrepreneur — not sure what mindfulness meant — couldn’t understand all the buzz regarding it. Challenging me, he wondered what mindfulness had to do with my coaching and […]

Spectator or Participant, Which are You?

Friday, November 27th, 2015

When I wrote “Face-To-Face Is the Ultimate Social Media” a few years back, I didn’t realize then the extent of the impact of technology and social media on face-to-face conversations. Are you a spectator or participant? Today, I realize that technology has turned too many of us from participants in life into spectators. Once upon […]

How to communicate in the blurring world of physical and virtual communication

Friday, November 13th, 2015

A major challenge for organizations in this blurring world of physical and virtual communication is building a collaborative culture. To overcome that challenge organizations must find a successful mix between virtual and face-to-face communication. The ultimate goal is not just to get people to interact more; it is to get them to interact more fully. […]

Women Should Start Talking and Keep Talking

Friday, October 16th, 2015

Women should start talking and keep talking. There are many benefits of speaking aloud. Giving sound to ideas can provide you with an objective view of your content. Practicing and recording presenting your ideas with your mind voice and body in sync provide you with the ability to shape and reshape your ideas and words. Having a […]

Yes! You can teach an old dog new tricks!

Monday, October 5th, 2015

Thanks to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) we now know that the brain can be rewired at any age. Through new experiences and challenges, new neurons will form. It is called neuroplasticity. Yes, you can teach baby boomers, and older knowledge workers—even X and W generations—how to think out-of-the-box. You can teach them how to turn […]

How to be understood

Friday, September 25th, 2015

In order to be understood you need to be able to deliver authentic, informative, effective, and emotionally-engaging presentations designed for your specific audience. One’s ability to turn potential into a tangible success has little to do with facts and information and feature/function. One’s ability to move others comes from knowing how to build trust and […]