Archive for the ‘Right Brain Left Brain’ Category

The Left Brain Needs the Right Brain

Friday, July 22nd, 2016

Wake up and Smell the Roses Here’s a tip on how to wake up and smell the roses for all the left brain dominated, innovative geniuses dedicated to improving the human condition. Kendall Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts is considered a hub of innovation — if not THE hub of innovation in the Boston area. A hub […]

How to Present the WHY in your Research Value?

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

How to successfully present your research value. To successfully present your research value for a win/win with regulators, scientific advisory boards, investors and potential investors you need to use more of your right brain. As scientists, researchers, and medical professionals you’re geared to be logical, sequential, analytical, etc. — left brain thinkers. Thinkers who focus on […]

Bio/Pharma Scientists and Researchers – Presentation Tips for Success

Friday, June 24th, 2016

Scientists, researchers and medical professionals in the Bio/Pharma world need more than facts and information, feature function and data-filled PowerPointless presentations to succeed with regulatory agencies, venture capitalists, and angel investors. The only thing more powerful than a big idea is your ability to communicate/sell that idea to others — specifically, to sell the value […]

Yes! You can teach an old dog new tricks!

Monday, October 5th, 2015

Thanks to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) we now know that the brain can be rewired at any age. Through new experiences and challenges, new neurons will form. It is called neuroplasticity. Yes, you can teach baby boomers, and older knowledge workers—even X and W generations—how to think out-of-the-box. You can teach them how to turn […]

So, how do you get left-brain people to use more of their right brain? How do you turn efficiency into effectiveness?

Friday, October 2nd, 2015

Left-brain linear thinking drilled home throughout our formal educational process in the U.S. focuses on the most efficient way to solve problems. Decades of hearing “No, you can’t. Here’s the answer” sadly develops linear thought processes and that debilitating habit energy driving much of the thinking in corporate America today. Habit energy (mindlessness), is the rusty brain […]

Turn limited energy into creative energy

Monday, August 31st, 2015

Turn limited habit energy into expansive creative and innovative energy to develop and foster a creative and innovative culture in an organization. Getting the concept is one thing, and putting it into action is another.

Powerful, Innovative, Creative Business Models

Friday, August 21st, 2015

Innovate or fall behind One of the pressures every major business faces today is innovate or fall behind. So how does an organization face the challenge of growing creative capital? So how do they tap the creative potential of their employees? A business’s underrated and untapped creative asset is their human capital. Studies show that […]

Yes! We can teach an old dog new tricks

Tuesday, August 11th, 2015

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Helps us See Thanks to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) we now know that the brain can be rewired at any age and we can teach an old dog new tricks. Through new experiences and new challenges new neurons will form. It is called neuroplasticity. Yes, you can teach baby boomers, and older […]

Combining Right-Brain, Left-Brain Activities for Success

Monday, July 20th, 2015

Combining right brain activities with left brain activities is proving to be the most successful path to meaningful innovation by fostering critical thinking, creative problem solving and collaboration.