Archive for the ‘StorySelling’ Category

Know Your Audience Before You Speak!

Friday, December 13th, 2019

Know your audience before you speak! Know your audience and their triggers before you open your mouth to speak. It starts with WHY. Why are you presenting and to whom?  Examine the purpose of your talk, seminar or workshop in relationship to your audiences’ profile. Their age, profession, titles, projects, organization, company and the event play […]

Know Your Audience Before You Speak!

Wednesday, June 14th, 2017

Know your audience before you speak! Know your audience and their triggers before you open your mouth to speak. It starts with WHY. Why are you presenting and to whom?  Examine the purpose of your talk, seminar or workshop in relationship to your audiences’ profile. Their age, profession, titles, projects, organization, company and the event play […]

How to Present the WHY in your Research Value?

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

How to successfully present your research value. To successfully present your research value for a win/win with regulators, scientific advisory boards, investors and potential investors you need to use more of your right brain. As scientists, researchers, and medical professionals you’re geared to be logical, sequential, analytical, etc. — left brain thinkers. Thinkers who focus on […]

Why Storytelling Works for Educators

Monday, October 26th, 2015

StorySelling works! Educators need to learn how to continually connect with their audiences in the classroom to get the students more deeply involved in the material. Storytelling works for educators. Storytelling, or StorySelling, tools make content relevant. Mastering the art of StorySelling is explained here in Forbes/Entrepreneurs. Learning through stories is how our minds naturally work to […]

It’s not What you Say, it’s How you Say it that counts. Lesson one.

Friday, September 11th, 2015

Are you a “Johnny one-note” or a “Mary one-note?” How flat, dull and monotonous is your voice? Does your communication energize others, tune them out, or even put them to sleep? One of the three major toolboxes you possess, own and control is your vocal toolbox. That toolbox is filled with a vast variety of […]

StorySELLING is the path to a win/win

Tuesday, August 18th, 2015

If you are trained as a homogenized biz dev or sales person it is time to move out of your comfort zone and stand out. On the other hand, if you are not trained it is time to stand out. In fact, to survive in this brutal, highly-commoditized, global economy you have to stand out […]

Why You Should Know Your Audience

Friday, July 17th, 2015

Know who your audience is and who comprises it before you open your mouth to speak.


Tuesday, July 14th, 2015

What you do to stand out is capitalize on your own personal assets and experiences. Put those assets and experiences into an appropriate story to enable you to emotionally connect with the prospect or customer. Learn how to tell that story in a business development or sales situation. I call it storySELLING