How do you translate efficiency into effectiveness?
How do you get left brain people to use more of their right brain? How do you translate efficiency into effectiveness?
Left-brain linear thinking drilled home throughout our formal educational process in the U.S. focuses on the most efficient way to problem solve. Decades of learning by “no you can’t and here’s the answer” sadly develops linear thought processes and the debilitating limiting habit energy that drives much of the thinking in corporate America. Habit energy, the rusty brain cap that shackles too many people into “the only way to do a task,” “the way we have always done it,” “the way we know it works” – “THE SAFE WAY.” Efficient – Yes! Innovative – No!
Right brain thinking involves risk taking, exploration, seeking alternative methods, adventuring, doing whatever it takes to achieve the desired goal. Failure is a positive attribute in right brain thinking. Visionary leaders encourage right brain thinking. They believe that one learns more from their mistakes than from being sedentary and complacent.
You become a more effective right brain thinker through arts-based problem solving techniques. The visual and performing arts are a major way to significantly change limiting habit energy into creative energy. The arts provide highly effective tools and techniques to get people to break free from their mental shackles, to think expansively, envision solutions to problems in ways they never did before.
As a coach, trainer and consultant, Larry Blumsack partners with people and organizations on the move and those already there to accelerate their communication, presentation and speaking skills to be on par with their ambition. Through one-on-one coaching and group training Larry helps leaders and aspiring leaders elevate their presence and communication skills to influence more people, sell more products-services-ideas and inspire others more successfully than they ever imagined.
Larry is the bestselling author of Face-to-Face is The Ultimate Social Media and founder of Zoka Institute and Zoka Training®. Zoka Training® — Mind/Voice/Body/Mindfulness in sync — is the result of Larry’s 45 years as a coach, acting teacher, actor, voice-over artist, theater and TV director/producer, radio & TV commentator and show host, speaker, trainer, serial entrepreneur, and syndicated columnist. Larry was a founding member of the theater department at Northeastern University.
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