Posts Tagged ‘collaboration’

How to be understood.

Tuesday, November 26th, 2019

In order to be understood you need to be able to deliver informative, effective, and emotionally engaging presentations. One’s ability to turn potential into a tangible success has little to do with facts and information. One’s ability to move others comes from knowing how to build trust and respect through making an emotional connection when […]

How to communicate in the blurring world of physical and virtual communication

Sunday, November 24th, 2019

A major challenge for organizations in this blurring world of physical and virtual communication is building a collaborative culture. To overcome that challenge organizations must find a successful mix between virtual and face-to-face communication. The ultimate goal is not just to get people to interact more; it is to get them to interact more fully. […]

How to communicate in the blurring world of physical and virtual communication

Friday, March 23rd, 2018

A major challenge for organizations in this blurring world of physical and virtual communication is building a collaborative culture. To overcome that challenge organizations must find a successful mix between virtual and face-to-face communication. The ultimate goal is not just to get people to interact more; it is to get them to interact more fully. […]

It’s Not What You Say, It’s How You Say it That Counts

Wednesday, March 21st, 2018

The most important and most effective leadership and business development tool at your immediate disposal is underutilized and unperfected. That amazing tool is your voice. Whole-body communications is exercising the mind, voice and body muscles in sync. In order to be understood you need to be able to deliver informative, effective, and emotionally engaging presentations. […]

My Job is to Speak and your Job is to Listen

Wednesday, June 28th, 2017

Any leader, collaborator, presenter, salesperson needs to be mindful that communication is not just talking. It is equal parts of listening with talking that requires focused concentration.

Strengths to Match your Goals

Wednesday, December 9th, 2015

Are your leadership skills and strengths on par with your goals? One universal set of goals for leaders is to improve on one’s strengths. What would happen if leaders also focused on improving their weaknesses? Would there be an exponential improvement of their leadership skills and the value of their expertise? Some researchers believe working on weaknesses […]

Spectator or Participant, Which are You?

Friday, November 27th, 2015

When I wrote “Face-To-Face Is the Ultimate Social Media” a few years back, I didn’t realize then the extent of the impact of technology and social media on face-to-face conversations. Are you a spectator or participant? Today, I realize that technology has turned too many of us from participants in life into spectators. Once upon […]

How to communicate in the blurring world of physical and virtual communication

Friday, November 13th, 2015

A major challenge for organizations in this blurring world of physical and virtual communication is building a collaborative culture. To overcome that challenge organizations must find a successful mix between virtual and face-to-face communication. The ultimate goal is not just to get people to interact more; it is to get them to interact more fully. […]

Women Should Start Talking and Keep Talking

Friday, October 16th, 2015

Women should start talking and keep talking. There are many benefits of speaking aloud. Giving sound to ideas can provide you with an objective view of your content. Practicing and recording presenting your ideas with your mind voice and body in sync provide you with the ability to shape and reshape your ideas and words. Having a […]

So, how do you get left-brain people to use more of their right brain? How do you turn efficiency into effectiveness?

Friday, October 2nd, 2015

Left-brain linear thinking drilled home throughout our formal educational process in the U.S. focuses on the most efficient way to solve problems. Decades of hearing “No, you can’t. Here’s the answer” sadly develops linear thought processes and that debilitating habit energy driving much of the thinking in corporate America today. Habit energy (mindlessness), is the rusty brain […]