Posts Tagged ‘Presentations’

Know Your Audience Before You Speak!

Friday, December 13th, 2019

Know your audience before you speak! Know your audience and their triggers before you open your mouth to speak. It starts with WHY. Why are you presenting and to whom?  Examine the purpose of your talk, seminar or workshop in relationship to your audiences’ profile. Their age, profession, titles, projects, organization, company and the event play […]

It’s Not What You Say, It’s How You Say it That Counts

Wednesday, March 21st, 2018

The most important and most effective leadership and business development tool at your immediate disposal is underutilized and unperfected. That amazing tool is your voice. Whole-body communications is exercising the mind, voice and body muscles in sync. In order to be understood you need to be able to deliver informative, effective, and emotionally engaging presentations. […]

It’s Not What You Say, It’s How You Say it That Counts

Wednesday, July 19th, 2017

The most important and most effective sales and business development tool at your immediate disposal is underutilized and unperfected. That amazing tool is your voice. Whole-body communications is exercising the mind, voice and body muscles in sync. In order to be understood you need to be able to deliver informative, effective, and emotionally engaging presentations. […]

Know Your Audience Before You Speak!

Wednesday, June 14th, 2017

Know your audience before you speak! Know your audience and their triggers before you open your mouth to speak. It starts with WHY. Why are you presenting and to whom?  Examine the purpose of your talk, seminar or workshop in relationship to your audiences’ profile. Their age, profession, titles, projects, organization, company and the event play […]

Spectator or Participant – Which are You Face-to-Face?

Friday, June 2nd, 2017

When I wrote “Face-To-Face Is the Ultimate Social Media” a few years back, I didn’t realize then the extent of the impact of technology and social media on face-to-face conversations. Are you a spectator or participant? Today, I Realize That Technology Has Turned Too Many Of Us From Participants In Life Into Spectators. Once upon […]

How to be Understood- Face-to-Face

Wednesday, May 31st, 2017

In order to be understood you need to be able to deliver authentic, informative, effective, and emotionally-engaging presentations designed for your specific audience. One’s ability to turn potential into a tangible success has little to do with facts and information and feature/function. One’s ability to move others comes from knowing how to build trust and […]

The new lost Art of Conversation

Friday, September 9th, 2016

What is a conversation? A week ago I was reading a book listing 100 definitions of a ‘conversation’. I’ve been thinking about many of the responses in that book and how we define conversation. A short definition of ‘conversation’ in the Oxford dictionary is “the informal exchange of ideas by spoken words.” The Wikipedia definition […]

Champion – Critic – Brat, which dominates in your world?

Friday, August 19th, 2016

Which are you; Champion – Critic – Brat? Which of your three inherent personalities dominates your leadership style, Champion – Critic – Brat?  Be aware that Monkeys see/Monkeys do. Your leadership style sets the company/team culture and determines the bottom line. Your ability to “stand and deliver” is a key factor in having executive presence […]

It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it that counts.

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it that counts. And even that’s not enough for you to be fully understood. There’s a big difference between what someone says as opposed to what they’re really saying. And this is where emotional intelligence comes into play. How sharp are your skills in reading the […]

Find and power your authentic voice – Lesson 7- Volume

Friday, March 18th, 2016

Once you train and find your authentic voice you need to be sure that everyone in your audience can hear your authentic voice. Your volume needs to be loud enough to be heard by the people in the back row. If you are practicing lessons one through six — breath, pitch, pace, resonance and melody […]