also Kindle and Nook eBooks
As face-to-face interactions diminish at the same exponential rate at which social media interactions grow, communication/presentation expert Larry Blumsack makes the case for why a real-world connection is still the gold standard in his book, Face-to-Face is The Ultimate Social Media.
Geared to business professionals, but addressing a broad range of interaction skills for everyone, Face-to-Face is The Ultimate Social Media is the 21st century business and professional survival guide. A quick read in the spirit of The One Minute Manager, this book uses a breezy, storytelling style to give readers valuable tips on how–once a digital connection is made—you can use face-to-face interaction for highly effective professional and personal communication. He outlines how these skills can enable you to attract and hold the attention of your growing global audience, and their importance for successful interaction with a sales prospect, investor, customer, coworker, friend, date—even your child.
The book centers around what Blumsack terms the “Five Steps for a Professional and Personal Edge”—practical, provocative, hands-on-tools tools and techniques that transcend the business world and can be easily adopted for personal growth. The reader follows the quest of a young salesperson (The Seeker), who follows adventures initiated by a Sales Guru to reach perfection. One by one The Seeker discovers the Five Steps: Engaged Mindfulness, Look and See, Listen and Hear, Yes and…, and Storytelling. These steps offer The Seeker—and you—the necessary skills to tap into your personal assets to dare to stand out and make a solid emotional connection with someone.
Drawing on decades of experience as a speaker, trainer, consultant, coach, business development professional, and actor Blumsack presents how to overcome barriers to successful personal communication in this 24/7 digital driven work world we live in. Barriers such as lack of face-to-face social skills; closed mindedness; and listening, but not hearing. He makes the case for how the “Five Steps” can be put into practice at any age, by anyone.
Face-to-Face is The Ultimate Social Media storytelling style will grab you and hold your attention.